Saturday, June 16, 2018

Popular Day Trips from Tokyo: Kawagoe 川越

See the locations on Treasures of Kawagoe Google Map

Kawagoe (川越): Kawagoe's Warehouse District (蔵造りの町並み, Kurazukuri no Machinami) has Kurazukuri (clay-walled warehouse-styled) buildings which gives you an impression of an old town from the Edo Period (1603-1867). During this time Kawagoe prospered as a supplier of commodities to Tokyo. The shogun installed some of their most loyal men as lords of Kawagoe Castle. The main Kurazukuri Street stretches a few hundred meters long. Just a short distance from the main street stands the Bell Tower (時の鐘, Toki no Kane). It chimes four times a day (6:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00). The tower was rebuilt in 1894, after the Great Kawagoe Fire of 1893 had destroyed the previous structure. Museum of Kurazukuris is housed in what used to be a tobacco wholesaler's shop. Visitors can have a closer view of what a Kurazukuri building looks from the inside beyond the store front. A minute's walk away is the Candy Alley (Kashiya Yokocho). It is a wonderful place for trying some traditional Japanese sweets (read more). Named after the Taisho Period (1912-1926), the Taisho-roman Street is located between Hon-Kawagoe Station and the Warehouse District. Read more about the warehouse district.

One of the most important temples is Kitain Temple. It is home to the only remaining structures of the former Edo Castle. Read more.

Honmaru Goten (本丸御殿), meaning "the palace in the inner-most circle of defense", is the only surviving building of the former Kawagoe Castle. Read more.

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Yurina. (@_yr121_) am

How to arrive:
Tobu-Tojo Railway line starts at Ikebokuro station in Tokyo. You get off at Hon Kawagoe station.

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