Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kabukicho 歌舞伎町 Highlights

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If you like to see the funny and bizarre side of Tokyo Robot Restaurant might be just the right place. "Have you ever done LSD? Me neither. At least, that’s what I thought until I went to the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku, Tokyo, when I had an experience that can only be explained as an acid trip", writes travelcaffeine.com. Actually it's not really a restaurant but a show. It's also not really the place, where a family goes with their kids, as you walk trough the redlight district before reaching your destination. The show polarizes, some find it moronic, some crazy, as you can read on tripadvisor.com. Entrance fee per person: 8000 Yen.

Is it dangerous to go to Kabuchiko, because the Yakuza reigns in some places? "The streets are alive with people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you should still feel safe at night", writes blogger Shing Yoong. "However, within two minutes of stepping into Kabukicho, we were approached by a man who offered to take us to a place he ‘knew’ served great drinks and had great girls. Unless you want to lose your credit card, a simple polite ‘no thank you’ will do the trick and walk away."

Godzilla in Kabuchiko

Sankei 75 Building, designed by Minoru Takeyama, postmodern architecture

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